#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern int http_get(char *url); extern void ws_handle_event(cJSON *event); extern void ws_send_heartbeat(); CURL *ws_handle; char *gateway_url; int net_subsystem(void) { print(LOG_INFO "net: starting net subsystem"); if(!gateway_url) panic("net: gateway url invalid"); /* Initialise CURL */ ws_handle = curl_easy_init(); curl_easy_setopt(ws_handle, CURLOPT_URL, gateway_url); curl_easy_setopt(ws_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY, 2L); print(LOG_INFO "net: opening ws"); CURLcode ret = curl_easy_perform(ws_handle); if(ret > 0) panic("net: cannot open websocket (curl errno %d)", ret); int ws_sockfd; if((ret = curl_easy_getinfo(ws_handle, CURLINFO_ACTIVESOCKET, &ws_sockfd)) != CURLE_OK) panic("net: curl cannot get active socket (errno %d)", ret); /* Block ALRM */ sigset_t *set = malloc(sizeof(sigset_t)); sigaddset(set, SIGALRM); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, set, NULL); int alrmfd = signalfd(-1, set, 0); free(set); /* Prepare poll */ struct pollfd pollarray[2] = { { .fd = ws_sockfd, .events = POLLIN, .revents = POLLIN }, { .fd = alrmfd, .events = POLLIN, .revents = 0 } }; struct pollfd *sockpoll = &(pollarray[0]); struct pollfd *alrmpoll = &(pollarray[1]); /* Misc. variables */ char *inbuf = malloc(1<<16 * sizeof(char)); size_t rlen; const struct curl_ws_frame *meta; errno = 0; do { if((sockpoll->revents & POLLIN) == POLLIN) { ret = curl_ws_recv(ws_handle, inbuf, 1<<16, &rlen, &meta); /* sometimes only SSL information gets sent through, so no actual data is received. curl uses NONBLOCK internally so it lets us know if there is no more data remaining */ if(ret == CURLE_AGAIN) continue; if(ret != CURLE_OK) { print(LOG_ERR "net: encountered curl error while reading " "socket (curl errno %d)", ret); break; } /* TODO: partial frames */ if((meta->offset | meta->bytesleft) > 0) { print(LOG_ERR "net: dropped partial frame"); continue; } cJSON *event = cJSON_ParseWithLength(inbuf, rlen); if(!event) { print(LOG_ERR "net: dropped malformed frame"); continue; } ws_handle_event(event); cJSON_Delete(event); } else if((sockpoll->revents & (POLLRDHUP | POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) > 0) { print(LOG_ERR "net: encountered error on socket (revents %d)", sockpoll->revents); break; } if((alrmpoll->revents & POLLIN) == POLLIN) { struct signalfd_siginfo siginfo; read(alrmfd, &siginfo, sizeof(struct signalfd_siginfo)); ws_send_heartbeat(); } } while(poll(pollarray, 2, -1) >= 0); if(errno > 0) { print(LOG_ERR "net: error encountered while polling" " (errno %d)", errno); } free(inbuf); curl_easy_cleanup(ws_handle); panic("net: websocket closed unexpectedly"); return 0; } void net_get_gateway_url() { /* determine if websockets are supported */ curl_version_info_data *curl_version = curl_version_info(CURLVERSION_NOW); const char * const* curl_protocols = curl_version->protocols; int wss_supported = 0; for(int i = 0; curl_protocols[i]; ++i) { if(strcmp(curl_protocols[i], "wss") == 0) { wss_supported = 1; break; } } if(!wss_supported) panic("net: wss not supported by libcurl"); /* fetch preferred url from discord */ int fd = http_get("https://discord.com/api/gateway/bot"); if(fd < 0) { print(LOG_ERR "net: failed to get gateway url (error %d)", -fd); goto assume; } char buf[512]; int buf_length = read(fd, buf, 512); close(fd); cJSON *gateway_info = cJSON_ParseWithLength(buf, buf_length); cJSON *gateway_url_json = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(gateway_info, "url"); if(!cJSON_IsString(gateway_url_json) || gateway_url_json->valuestring == NULL) { print(LOG_ERR "net: cannot get gateway url from api " "(token invalid?)"); cJSON_Delete(gateway_info); goto assume; } /* curl requires websocket secure URLs to begin with WSS instead of wss, so we fix up the received url for curl */ gateway_url = calloc(strlen(gateway_url_json->valuestring) + 1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(gateway_url, gateway_url_json->valuestring); gateway_url[0] = 'W'; gateway_url[1] = 'S'; gateway_url[2] = 'S'; print(LOG_DEBUG "net: using gateway url %s", gateway_url); cJSON_Delete(gateway_info); return; assume: print(LOG_DEBUG "net: assuming gateway url WSS://gateway.discord.gg"); gateway_url = calloc(strlen("WSS://gateway.discord.gg") + 1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(gateway_url, "WSS://gateway.discord.gg"); return; } l1_initcall(net_get_gateway_url); void net_initcall() { start_subsystem(net_subsystem); } l2_initcall(net_initcall);