call plug#begin() Plug 'drewtempelmeyer/palenight.vim' Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'} Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' call plug#end() filetype plugin on set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $* let g:tex_flavor='latex' colorscheme palenight let $NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_TRUE_COLOR=1 if (has("termguicolors")) set termguicolors endif let g:palenight_terminal_italics=1 let mapleader ="," "set bg=light set bg=dark "set t_Co=16 set go=a set mouse=a set nohlsearch "set clipboard=unnamedplus set tabstop=4 set softtabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 "Convertts our tabs to spaces set expandtab set autoindent set fileformat=unix filetype on " Some basics: nnoremap c "_c set nocompatible "filetype plugin on syntax on set encoding=utf-8 set number relativenumber " Enable autocompletion: set wildmode=longest,list,full " Disables automatic commenting on newline: autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o " Goyo plugin makes text more readable when writing prose: map f :Goyo \| set bg=light \| set linebreak " Spell-check set to o, 'o' for 'orthography': map o :setlocal spell! spelllang=en_us " Splits open at the bottom and right, which is non-retarded, unlike vim defaults. set splitbelow splitright " Shortcutting split navigation, saving a keypress: map h map j map k map l " Replace all is aliased to S. nnoremap S :%s//g "Newtab with ctrl+t nnoremap :tabnew "Paste from system clipboard with ctrl+i instead of shift insert map " Compile document, be it groff/LaTeX/markdown/etc. map c :w! \| !compiler % " Open corresponding .pdf/.html or preview map p :!opout % " Runs a script that cleans out tex build files whenever I close out of a .tex file. autocmd VimLeave *.tex !texclear % " Ensure files are read as what I want: let g:vimwiki_ext2syntax = {'.Rmd': 'markdown', '.rmd': 'markdown','.md': 'markdown', '.markdown': 'markdown', '.mdown': 'markdown'} let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/vimwiki', 'syntax': 'markdown', 'ext': '.md'}] autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile /tmp/calcurse*,~/.calcurse/notes/* set filetype=markdown autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.ms,*.me,*.mom,*.man set filetype=groff autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex set filetype=tex " Copy selected text to system clipboard (requires gvim/nvim/vim-x11 installed): vnoremap "+y map "+P " Automatically deletes all trailing whitespace on save. autocmd BufWritePre * %s/\s\+$//e " When shortcut files are updated, renew bash and vifm configs with new material: autocmd BufWritePost ~/.config/bmdirs,~/.config/bmfiles !shortcuts " Update binds when sxhkdrc is updated. autocmd BufWritePost *sxhkdrc !pkill -USR1 sxhkd " Run xrdb whenever Xdefaults or Xresources are updated. autocmd BufWritePost *Xresources,*Xdefaults !xrdb % " Navigating with guides inoremap /<++>"_c4l vnoremap /<++>"_c4l map /<++>"_c4l set rtp+=/usr/share/vim/vimfiles lua require'lspconfig'.luau_lsp.setup{filetypes = {"luau", "lua"}, cmd = {"luau-lsp", "lsp", "--definitions=/home/turret/git/taurus/globalTypes.d.lua", "--docs=/home/turret/taurus/en-us.json"}}