path: root/cat.s
diff options
authorturret <turret@duck.com>2023-09-07 10:40:54 -0500
committerturret <turret@duck.com>2023-09-07 10:40:54 -0500
commit5dd59a4060aa72ad359bec110b38f4b9e73b9150 (patch)
tree8807f3e03ebeccaff107b3535ce8b9b7f589bcdb /cat.s
parent5286d18e2356684475b644cbad3ae581ff927796 (diff)
cat: add general cat framework (special cases and output processing soon)
Diffstat (limited to 'cat.s')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/cat.s b/cat.s
index 79d9f30..8a047e7 100644
--- a/cat.s
+++ b/cat.s
@@ -1,16 +1,103 @@
global _start
section .text
+ ; rax = fd
+ ; read(rax, buf, bufSize)
+ mov rbx, rax
+ mov rdi, rax
+ mov rsi, buf
+ mov rdx, bufSize
+ mov rax, 0
+ syscall
+ ; check if stuff was read
+ cmp rax, 1
+ jl .ret
+ ; write(1, buf, rax)
+ mov rdi, 1
+ mov rsi, buf
+ mov rdx, rax
mov rax, 1
+ syscall
+ ; continue loop
+ mov rax, rbx
+ jmp process_fd
+ ; return rax
+ mov rax, rbx
+ ret
+ ; r12 = argc
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ mov r12, [rbp]
+ cmp r12, 2
+ jl .stdin
+ add rbp, 8 * 2 ; jump past 1st arg
+ ; if no more entries; exit
+ cmp r12, 2
+ jl exit
+ ; arguments starting with "-" are special cases
+ mov r13, [rbp]
+ cmp r13, 0x2d ;'-'
+ je .special
+ ; open(rbp, 0, 0)
+ mov rax, 2
+ mov rdi, [rbp]
+ mov rsi, 0
+ mov rdx, 0
+ syscall
+ ; make sure fd exists
+ cmp rax, 1
+ jl .error
+ ; print file
+ call process_fd
+ ; returns input
+ ; close(rax)
+ mov rdi, rax
+ mov rax, 3
+ syscall
+ ; prepare registers for next loop
+ add rbp, 8
+ sub r12, 1
+ jmp .loop
+ ; unreachable. insurance
+ jmp exit
+ ;special case handler (TODO)
+ ; stdin passthrough
+ mov rax, 0
+ call process_fd
+ jmp .loop
+ ;exit(1)
+ ; TODO: process RAX to print meaningful message
+ mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 1
- mov rsi, msg
- mov rdx, msgSize
+ ;exit(0)
mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 0
section .data
-msg: db "Hello, world!", 10
-msgSize: EQU $ - msg
+ section .bss
+bufSize: equ 65536
+buf: resb bufSize